Yair Hazut's profile

Visual Identity - Calderon Winery

Calderon Winery is a winery for the production of particularly fine wines.
It all started when Don Calderon went on holiday to Monaco, where he discovered wine culture.Until that trip, Don Calderon used to drink cheap wines that the Immigrants to Spain (his hometown) smuggled with.

During that holiday, Don Calderon experienced enlightenment and realized - that it was his destiny, to produce wines with wonderful passion and to make for everyone fine and prestigious wines. From then until today Calderon Winery continues the same tradition of the winery's father and produces products at the highest level of finish without any compromise, this behavior places the winery at the top of the wine world and gives them acclaimed awards at world wine festivals.

As a designer, my goal was to produce a strong branding graphic language that would convey the brand vision with thinking about future products other than wines.
Disclosure: This brand is an imaginary fruit, which I created from my love for my profession as a graphic designer. I really enjoyed the process and I am happy to share it with you, hope you enjoy it, 
Yair Hazut.

A magical journey of art in wine. A family story that lasts three generations on three continents to create one world of quality and special wine. The European precision together with the South American passion and the Israeli innovation create an exciting encounter of senses, contrasts and combinations, delicacy and softness. The wine contains chocolate chips, walnuts, hazelnuts, aged in oak barrels for 5 months. Enjoy.

Shiraz | 2015

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Visual Identity - Calderon Winery

Visual Identity - Calderon Winery
